Who are The Luna Coven?

What are Witches and Pagans? 

Who are The Luna Coven?

The Luna Coven is a Coven of Traditional Witches. We are a closed Coven with an Inner Circle of Initiates and at least 1st Degree Dedicated Witches of the Traditional Craft and Wiccans. We are based in the West Midlands, England. We use the Internet to allow us to expand our connections across the UK and promote Witchcraft/Paganism as well as human and animals rights etc. whilst maintaining a smaller locally run Coven that governs how it is run (our Inner Circle). We are headed by our Elder Carrie-Anne and our High Priest, John who represent the Lord and Lady in our ceremonies. We are a totally free organisation, non-profit and give our advice and support as part of the Witch ethic. We follow the  wisdom of our Elder in all that we do. Our Coven's Outer Circle of friends is called The World Society of Witches and this is mostly for those who feel they don't fit in to Wiccan Covens or Paganism or feel they need extra support and tuition in the Craft, especially people with disabilities, social and family constraints and those who need guidance to find their true selves. Hence. we do not require attendance except for our Inner Circle Members, and do not require meets in woodlands etc. We are a Coven that aims to allow everyone, regardless of circumstances to feel they belong somewhere. Of course, those Inner Circle Members wishing to meet up are more than welcome and we meet informally at a Covenstead or for local ceremonies. We are also happy to meet with others at local moots etc. to promote Witchcraft, The Coven and the causes we hold dear. The Inner Circle membership is by invitation only and all members must be Dedicated to the religion and Initiated into the Coven. 

What do we do?

We support Coven and World Witch Society (we are its founders) members as well as those who have not yet found their path. We promote traditional Witchcraft and Paganism  and fight for human and civil rights as well as against animal cruelty, world government and other things that can prevent people from having an harmonious, spiritual, free and soul enhancing life, with nature and not against it. We help people follow the Olde Path and discover their true selves and their full potential no matter who they are. We also offer holistic counselling, teach Witchcraft via the World Society of Witches and represent ourselves and Witchcraft to the general public and other Witchcraft/Wiccan/Pagan organisations. As part of the Coven members also receive counselling from our own Elder Carrie-Anne, a qualified and experienced counsellor who is registered with CCC and has had years of experience. Luna Coven Members fight for human rights, civil liberties and we support many campaigns for freedom, equality, rights, animal welfare and also against global governance and the New World Order. We are wide awake - you should be too! 

Where are we?

Although we are based in the West Midlands, England we welcome anyone from anywhere around the UK into The World Society of Witches. Spirituality and humanity is global - free of borders, barriers and nationalities. We interact online using Facebook and a free chatroom. If you are local to us we may even invite you to join us personally and join the inner circle once fully initiated and dedicated. 

How can I join?

Anyone over 14 can join our Coven and anyone over 14 can be part of The World Society of Witches for free who has an open heart, is true to themselves and others and willing to follow the Witches Rune and the guidance of the High Priestess and Priest. Even total beginners are welcome without initiation at our basic level and we can help you attain full initiation and fully explore yourself and your spirituality. Membership of the Inner Circle however is only allowed for at least 1st Degree Witches and those who are willing to be Initiated and Dedicated to the Lunar Coven and Witchcraft itself. Members are also involved in the progression of Witchcraft and Paganism and the exploration of magick in all its forms. Just contact us to find out more. Anyone wishing to join us should email us.

What is expected of members?

 We ask but a few simple things that cost nothing but mean so much to everyone: i) On each Sabbat and Full Moon remember the Coven and its members. Open your heart and connect with us in any way you feel comfortable with and able to do. For example, light a candle, burn incense or simple have a moments quiet contemplation. Send light to everyone in the Coven and anyone who you feel needs it for healing, strength or direction. ii) Send light and energy to those in need, especially within the Coven itself iii) Help each other both practically and spiritually iv) Be a listening ear, free of judgement, condemnation or prejudices v) Share your strengths, skills, ideas and resources with the Coven vii) Promote Witchcraft and the Craft of the Wise and present it always in a good light viii) Follow the Wiccan Rede and Witches Rune always iX) Respect and follow the guidance of your High Priestess, Elder and High Priest X) Do not abuse the powers you have or use them to control, hurt, frighten or upset others. If you are willing to do these things, we welcome you with open arms and pure hearts. We do not tolerate any forms of abuse, mental or physical and any breach of good conduct will not be taken lightly and you will be asked to leave the Coven. All members of The Luna Coven are equal but must respect the authority of the Elder,High Priestess and High Priest and accept their guidance. That is the only hierarchy and everyone has the right to an opinion and to express themselves openly and without prejudice or judgement. We agree to do no harm but only seek to improve the lives of ourselves, our loved ones and those around us without exploitation or deceit. We do not tolerate cruelty, animal ritual sacrifice or any activity that is immoral or illegal in the United Kingdom. Members agree to treat each other with mutual love and respect regardless of gender, sexuality,ethnicity, social or cultural background. Members agree to work within the group to help promote itself and the old path. 



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